CG数据库 >> MediaChance Dynamic Auto Painter Pro

MediaChance Dynamic Auto Painter Pro 5.0.3 (x86x64) Incl Keys + Templates

Mediachance Dynamic Auto Painter 5.0.4 + x64 + Rus

MediaChance Dynamic Auto Painter Pro 5.1  WIN 64

Dynamic Auto-Painter(DAP)是世界一流的领先软件,可将照片自动转换为一些最着名的现实世界艺术家的精美画作。


Dynamic Auto-Painter (DAP) is a world-class leading software to automatically turn a photo into a great looking painting inspired by some of the most famous real world artists. It does this using unique in-house developed Monte Carlo Style Transfer algorithm.

MediaChance Dynamic Auto Painter Pro的图片1

发布日期: 2017-3-23