CG数据库 >> AE插件:牛顿动力学2D插件 Motion Boutique Newton 2.2.11 CE

【插件介绍】牛顿动力学2D插件 Motion Boutique Newton是After Effects第一款动力学插件,完美模拟动力学的物理属性,操作方便快捷,全新的操作界面、关节、吸附与排斥、新动力学类型等诸多实用功能重力,碰撞,摩擦等控制,制作出更加真实的效果Newton interprets 2D composition layers as rigid bodies interacting in a real environment.

Newton provides many simulation controllers such as body properties (type, density, friction, bounciness, velocity, etc), global properties (gravity, solver), and allows the creation of joints between bodies.

Once simulation is completed, animation is recreated in After Effects with standard keyframes.

官网地址:支持 Win 系统: After Effects  CS5 – CC 2017此插件跟其他插件不同,不在特效插件目录内,使用位置:Composition – Newton

【插件下载】AE插件:牛顿动力学2D插件 Motion Boutique Newton 2.2.11 CE百度云网盘下载注:插件为一键安装破解版,安装即可使用,无功能限制


发布日期: 2017-05-24