CG数据库 >> Premiere 高级调色插件:Color Finesse Pl 3.0.10(完整版) (CSx-CC)

【插件介绍】Color Finesse  能提供用于After Effects, Final Cut Pro和Premiere Pro影片工作软件中,针对影颜色进行精密校正的插件。

在对图像调色时,多数情况只是对亮部和暗部进行处理,而Color Finesse提供了对图像局部处理的能力,这个插件调色功能强大方便操作。

适用于After Effects和Premiere Pro。







The Color Finesse 3 PI plug-in works directly in Premiere Pro.

You get simple access to color correction directly in the host application as well as via the specialized Color Finesse user interface.

Most video editing software now has its own built-in color correction, but it’s often limited in capability, accuracy, and performance.

Often you’ll need to combine several color correction filters to perform even simple correction.

Each filter you add increases rounding error and image degradation.

Color Finesse does all its color correction operations without needing to constantly convert formats and round, reducing errors and creating a pristine image.

SA Color Finesse 确实是一个不错的调色插件,比较科学和专业,流程完整,能二级调色(局部调色)。

这里分享最新的版本 Color Finesse Pl 3.0.10 ,插件适用于Win系统下:Premiere Pro 2.0/CS3/CS4/CS5/CS5.5/CS6/CC/CC 2014

【插件下载】Premiere 高级调色插件:Color Finesse Pl 3.0.10

Premiere 高级调色插件:Color Finesse Pl 3.0.10(完整版) (CSx-CC)的图片1

发布日期: 2014-06-22