CG数据库 >> AE教程:Roto笔刷工具详解 Digital Tutors – Unlocking the Powe

【教程简介】AE 从近几个版本中加入了一个非常强大的画笔抠像工具:Roto,这个工具在在扣取景深画面非常快速和强悍,能快速分离出同一焦距内的画面,Roto 适用于动态抠像,免去一帧一帧K帧的麻烦,教程讲解了工具的使用,通过多个案例讲解工具的作用和技巧。

In this series of lessons, we’ll be learning how to use the Roto Brush Tool.

A lot of people try to use the Roto Brush Tool without knowing how it works.

They jump in, start painting one frame after the other and depending on their patience level, they soon give up.

This is because there are a few ground rules for using this tool, and if you don’t know them, your matte will not turn out well. If you understand the ground rules, then you don’t need to be a certified “Roto Brush Tool Expert” to use it. This tool is meant to speed upyour workflow. With that being said, this training doesn’t use footage examples that are unrealistically easy to roto. So, after we get a basic understanding of this tool, we are going to have some hard lessons with uncooperative footage that will help you learn the realchallenges of using this tool.

As well as, some of the perfect places to use it and how to trick your footage into looking just as you envisioned, with a combination of techniques.

教程目录:01.Introduction and project overview02.Should I use the Roto Brush tool with my footage?03.Getting started using the Roto Brush: The Do’s and Don’ts04.Making corrective strokes05.Using the Refine Edge Tool and using different view modes06.Roto Brush propagation and matte settings07.Refine Edge matte settings08.Motion blurring and decontaminating edge colors09.Caching and locking Roto Brush progress10.What to do when edges are swimming11.Combining multiple mattes12.Using a mask with a Roto Brushed layer官网:

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发布日期: 2014-08-19