CG数据库 >> AE脚本-文字路径书写脚本 VideoHive Curva Script


【脚本介绍】Curva 可以在AE中制作文字生长动画的AE脚本,选择文字生长路径之后两点,就可以自动完成动画,方便快捷。

包内含脚本+PDF使用教程+完(xu)美(lie)号Curva is AE script to create a smooth animations of growth a paths based on Bezier algorithms.

You just select the last two vertices on the Path object in a Shape layer and then the script does everything for you.

Perfect for animating the appearance of letters, floral shapes and other such vector objects.

脚本特点:◾Animation appearance of shapes with just a few clicks.

◾Adjust the type of animation by curve, as well as in native Graph Editor.

◾Select a template type animation (linear, ease, ease-in, ease-in-out, ease-out).

◾Comfortable and pleasant interface.

◾Save a lot of time.


【脚本下载】AE脚本-文字路径书写脚本 VideoHive Curva Script

AE脚本-文字路径书写脚本 VideoHive Curva Script的图片1

发布日期: 2014-09-05