CG数据库 >> AE素材自动剪辑切割脚本-附教程 Aescripts Magnum – The Edit Detector V2.56


这样按照视频场景切割视频段落的功能在达芬奇软件中同样也有,压缩包被包含了脚本和使用教程;Automatically detects edits in footage. To use it you simply select a footage layer in a comp, set the work area to the region you’d like to find edits and tell Magnum to go to work!脚本功能简介:Split into new layers:This mode will split the selected layer into individual layers at every edit.

Trimmed pre-comps:This mode will split the layer and then pre-comp it into a comp that is the length of the split layer.

Full-length pre-comps:This mode will split the layer and pre-comp it into a comp that is the same length as the original comp.

Trimmed adjustment layers:This mode will create a new adjustment layer that is trimmed to the length of every detected scene.

Place markers on layer: This mode will create and place markers at every detected edit point.

Save thumbnails for each cut/marker: This mode will export a thumbnail for the selected layers or or all layers if none is selected.

If you add a text layer named: slate it will burn it into each thumbnail.

All special keywords work here as well.

Position and style your text before running the export.

If you add a text file named: export_template.

txt in the export folder it will use it to create an export report file.

Again special keywords work here and if you use tabs or commas it will be a spreadsheet.

Replace ‘layer’ with ‘marker’ in the keywords when exporting thumbnails from markers.

Thumbnail size will match the comp resolution.


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AE素材自动剪辑切割脚本-附教程 Aescripts Magnum – The Edit Detector V2.56的图片1

发布日期: 2014-09-12