CG数据库 >> AE教程:原子细胞模拟动画 AETUTS Atom Simulation in After Effects

【教程介绍】AETUTS 机构出品的一期AE教程 原子细胞模拟动画 AETUTS Atom Simulation in After Effects使用了内置的 分形噪波 和 CC Sphere 来模拟出细胞动画效果,这样看起来就像真实的三维动画,非常棒。

当然为了使得画面更加的逼真和富有活力,还使用了 Particular 粒子插件制作了表面的游动动画,教程中还使用了一些表达式:快速的的让2D图层出现3D效果。

In this tutorial we’ll create an atom simulation using Particular, CC Sphere, a few layers along with some tricks and smoke screens.

In order to make this scene a true (AE) 3D scene we will use some expressions and AE tricks to make the 2D layers act as 3D layers, and respond to the camera.

This scene is quite simple and straightforward, but it is compiled out of lots of small steps.

We got a lot to do, so let’s get started.

【教程下载】AE教程:原子细胞模拟动画 AETUTS Atom Simulation in After Effects

AE教程:原子细胞模拟动画 AETUTS Atom Simulation in After Effects的图片1

发布日期: 2014-10-20