CG数据库 >> AE预设:立体感投射长阴影预设 Faux Raytraced Shadow Preset

【效果DEMO】非常不错的几款AE投射长阴影预设,使用方便简洁,效果却不错,内附安装和使用视频教程A shadow preset that mimics the desirable look of raytraced shadows but without the excessive render times.

This product comes with 3 quality settings and a video tutorial on how to use the product.

【预设下载】AE预设:立体感投射长阴影预设 Faux Raytraced Shadow Preset推荐: 2套 AE模版:高端大气公司企业发展历程回顾 时间线图文展示

AE预设:立体感投射长阴影预设 Faux Raytraced Shadow Preset的图片1

发布日期: 2015-09-01