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Producers Choice Ultimate Production Toolbox by Pablo Beats MULTiFORMAT

TEAM MAGNETRiXX 29 April 2014 | 1.46 GB

* We teamed up with Pablo Beats to give you the most complete collection of production tools on the market. Industry quality drums, leads, basses patches, FX, vocal hits and more.

10 Reasons why you'll LOVE the Ultimate Production Toolbox:

1.This kit will change the way you make music. You literally have EVERYTHING you need right here in one bundle!

2.The sound design is top level. You'll use ALL the sounds and instrument patches. No "filler" in here...

3.Handcrafted by Master Producer Pablo Beats - everything was made from scratch. Every drum sound, instrument and FX was made from the ground up and is completely unique to this kit.

4.Created using hardware such as the Virus C, Roland TR606 and Boss DR-880 - Combining the best of hardware and software processing.

5.A combination of one shot wav drums, and over 1.5GB of instrument patches in Kontakt and Direct Wave format (Including Basses, 808's, Leads, Pads, Keys & More!)

6.This is the "All In One" solution to easily creating industry standard beats!

7.You need Drums? Leads? Basses? Vocal Hits? Mixer Presets? SFX? Its ALL in this one toolbox.

8.You'll create better beats faster and easier than ever before.

9.If you ever wind up on a desert island, with only your laptop for company - this kit is the only thing you need to crank out industry quality beats.

10.You are going to FALL IN LOVE with your music all over again. You'll love the lush instrument patches. You'll go CRAZY for the drums that sound 'just right' - that perfect, mixed quality that allows you to focus on the craft of making music...

由巴勃罗 · 生产者选择最终生产工具箱跳动繁多

团队 MAGNETRiXX 2014 年 4 月 29 日 |146 GB

* 我们联手巴勃罗 · 打来给你在市场上最完整的收集的制作工具。行业质量鼓、 潜在顾客、 低音修补程序、 FX、 声乐的点击率和更多。




3.手工制作的主人制片人巴勃罗 · 打-一切都是从头做。每个鼓音、 文书和 FX 是从地面和组成是完全独特到此工具包。

4.创建使用硬件如病毒 C、 罗兰 TR606 和老板博士-880-结合最好的硬件和软件处理。

5.组合的一个镜头的 wav 鼓和 1.5 GB 以上的开播和直达波仪器修补程序格式 (包括低音,808,引线、 垫片、 键及更多!)


7.你需要鼓吗?潜在顾客?低音吗?声乐的命中吗?混合器预设?SFX 吗?这一个工具箱中的全部。

8.You 将创建更好的节奏更快,比以往任何时候都更加容易。

9.如果你风吹过在一个荒岛上,带着只有笔记本的公司 — — 本试剂盒是的唯一你需要堆金积玉行业质量节拍。

10.你要去秋天的爱与你的音乐都超过再次。你会爱上茂盛仪器修补程序。你会去疯狂鼓声音 '刚刚好'-完美的混合质量,使您专注于音乐的制作工艺...