CG数据库 >> Gromada VideoMach 5.15.0 Professional 多媒体文件转换与编辑软件

Gromada VideoMach 5.15.0 Professional 多媒体文件转换与编辑软件的图片1VideoMach 提供您多媒体文件转换与编辑双效合一的功能,支持的文件格式相当多包括了AVI、FLIC、HAV、以及目前最流行的MPEG,如果您只需要电影短片中的一部份如画面或者是音轨,VideoMach也可以帮您快速的将它们给撷取出来。

VideoMach对电影短片的调整功能,您可以修改影片的每秒播放格数、视讯文件压缩格式(Codec )、色彩调整、甚至于是为原本无声的电影短片加入音轨.提供的滤镜与特效功能也是相当好用的,像是您可以修改影片中的影像锐利化、转换成浮雕效果、修改Gamma值、以及对于亮度与反差上的修改,功能一点也不输给像Premiere等其它专业级的数位剪辑软件所提供的。

VideoMach is a popular software for converting images to video, disassembling video to pictures, adding audio to animations, extracting audio from movies, speeding up video, slowing it down, resizing, cropping and rotating. VideoMach is mostly used for converting output of high-speed imagers, 3D renderers, time-lapse capture, game videos and stop-motion animation to presentation video. Supported formats in Standard version include AVI, MPEG, FLC, HAV, JPEG, PNG, BMP, DIB, TGA, PNM and more. Professional version adds formats used in high-speed imagers and graphics workstations, such as BAYER, CINE/CVR, SUN, RAS, SGI, RGB, TIFF, XPM and more.

VideoMach is found in applications where software or hardware generates lots of images, such as:

3D rendering

High-speed imagers (crash-test labs)

Time-lapse photography

Stop-motion animation

Game videos

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发布日期: 2015-07-16