CG数据库 >> Smooze 1.6.6 MacOSX

Smooze for Mac是Mac平台上的一款鼠标增强软件,Smooze for Mac是用户的巧手好工具,如果说在运用鼠标的方面谁比较厉害,那么这款应用应该是个中翘楚了。


Smooze 1.x | MacOSX | 5.3 MBSmooze animates your scroll and adds functionality to your non-Apple mouse (scroll-wheel mouse).

- Disable scroll acceleration in macOS 10.12 Sierra (the app is not free but that specific feature is free and will always be free)- Every app you own will have buttery smooth scrolling- Save time by attaching mouse buttons to actions- Disable animated scroll for specific appsRequirements:Intel, 64-bit processor macOS 10.12 or later-

Smooze 1.6.6 MacOSX的图片1

发布日期: 2017-03-09