CG数据库 >> GEOTEC ELPLA Professional 9.2 SP1

GEOTEC ELPLA Professional 9.2 SP1 | 173.7 mbGEOTEC Software has released an updated ELPLA 9.

2, is a program for analyzing raft foundations of arbitrary shape with the real subsoil model.

The mathematical solution of the raft is based on the finite element method.

The program can analyze different types of subsoil models, especially the three-dimensional Continuum model that considers any number of irregular layers.

What's new in GEOTEC ELPLA 9.2:The program ELPLA is a part of the program group GEOTEC.

The original program ELPLA 4.

0 was developed firstly under the operating system MS-DOS and then it was revised for the operating system MS Windows 95 in order to use the possibilities of the user interface offered in it.

The program runs also under Windows XP/ Vista / 7.

ELPLA has a significant enhancement.

The new features and enhancements are the result of feedbacks from users over the last years.

The major enhancement in Version 9.

2 is the ability to carry out a consolidation analysis beside elastic settlement analysis using the different calculation methods that are available in ELPLA.

ELPLA also uses different types of finite elements, allowing the user to analyze any irregular shape of slabs with arc boundaries.

Many improvements have been carried out in the generation of the flexibility matrix to allow the user solving large size problems faster.

Product:GEOTEC ELPLAVersion:Professional 9.2 SP1Supported Architectures:32bit / 64bitLanguage:englishSystem Requirements:PCSupported Operating Systems:Windows XP / Vista / 7evenSize:173.7 mb

GEOTEC ELPLA Professional 9.2 SP1的图片1
GEOTEC ELPLA Professional 9.2 SP1的图片2

发布日期: 2017-12-06