CG数据库 >> Gumroad – Blender 2.8: Turn your 2D drawing into a 3D model using Grease Pencil

Gumroad – Blender 2.8: Turn your 2D drawing into a 3D model using Grease PencilThe next chapter in my Blender series.

This one covers a workflow of converting grease pencil sketches/drawings into a real 3D geometry, which could be properly rendered and textured and also exported out of Blender.

This workflow allows staying very suggestive with your 3D modelling, which speeds up the whole process from sketch to the final renders.

Topics covered:Creating a 3D vehicle from a 2D sketchEevee real-time engine fundamentalsCreating a 3D creature from a 2D sketchSuggesting details over the flat surfaceCreating 3D foliage using flat drawingsIncludes:Narrated video tutorials (2 hours)Timelapse making-of`s (70 minutes)Blender files

Gumroad – Blender 2.8: Turn your 2D drawing into a 3D model using Grease Pencil的图片1

发布日期: 2018-11-16