CG数据库 >> PS CC 2015新功能教程 Lynda – Photoshop 2015 Creative Cloud Updates Tutorial

PS CC 2015新功能教程 Lynda – Photoshop 2015 Creative Cloud Updates TutorialPS 2015新增加的小功能也是比较多的,例如描边,投影等层效果的叠加,移动吸附功能提升,同一个文件中生成多个画布,直接在移动设备观察最终效果等Creative Cloud, Adobe’s cloud-based subscription service, delivers the latest imaging innovations in Photoshop CC straight to your computer.

Deke McClelland helps you get the most out of these new features and enhancements in this course, centered around changes in 2015 and beyond.

To start, Deke covers the June 2015 release of Photoshop CC.

Tune in and learn how to apply multiply strokes, drop shadows, and other effects to a single layer; work with the new Glyphs panel; trade dynamically linked assets via the Library panel; create multiple artboards in a single document; and preview your designs directly on a mobile device.

PS CC 2015新功能教程 Lynda – Photoshop 2015 Creative Cloud Updates Tutorial的图片1

发布日期: 2015-06-17