CG数据库 >> AE手绘硬纸壳卡通定格动画教程第二章 Lynda - Creating a Handmade Look in After Effects 02 Design and Animation

AE手绘硬纸壳卡通定格动画教程第二章 Lynda – Creating a Handmade Look in After Effects 02 Design and Animation这一章主要在第一章的基础上,对制作好的卡通角色物体制作动画效果Learn how to create a hand-drawn look without all the hand drawing.

This course shows how to replicate the DIY aesthetic of low-budget cel animation in After Effects.

Mograph artist Owen Lowery shows how to use shape layers to create, texture, and animate the “hand-drawn” elements, and replicate the look of handwritten fonts and street graffiti.

The tutorials demonstrate how versatile the After Effects tools can be when you stretch them beyond their traditional uses and employ some creative problem solving.

AE手绘硬纸壳卡通定格动画教程第二章 Lynda - Creating a Handmade Look in After Effects 02 Design and Animation的图片1

发布日期: 2015-11-02