CG数据库 >> AE卡通动画人物肢体弹跳效果MG教程 Adding Anticipation and Overshoot to Character Animation in After Effects

AE卡通动画人物肢体弹跳效果MG教程 Adding Anticipation and Overshoot to Character Animation in After Effects在AE MG动画教程中添加一些动画运动规律弹跳效果,让动作更加流畅舒服Ross Plaskow shows how big a difference adding a bit of the principles of animation can make to character animation in After Effects.

AE卡通动画人物肢体弹跳效果MG教程 Adding Anticipation and Overshoot to Character Animation in After Effects的图片1

发布日期: 2015-11-11