CG数据库 >> C4D场景摄像机投射教程 cmiVFX - Cinema 4D Projection Man FX

C4D场景摄像机投射教程 cmiVFX – Cinema 4D Projection Man FX在做工业电影视觉特效的时候,经常需要做场景测试,简单的在将二维场景制作成3D场景模型,我们通过这个教程来学习这个流程Sometimes working in the Visual Effects industry requires persistent invention. Most of these inventions will make their way into a project soon or later, so it is important to try these ideas in the hopes that radical time savings can occur while increasing quality. In this video, our very own Greg Kulz shows off one of his favorite research projects that could lead you towards a solution in your work pipeline. When it comes to invention, cmiVFX leads the industry!

C4D场景摄像机投射教程 cmiVFX - Cinema 4D Projection Man FX的图片1

发布日期: 2015-11-11