CG数据库 >> 数字转胶片插件 FilmConvert Pro 2.11 for AE & Premiere – Win64

数字转胶片插件 FilmConvert Pro 2.11 for AE & Premiere – Win642.11版本,AE/Premiere-Win 64,内含破解说明现在大部分都是用数码设备拍摄的视频,这个插件可以为数字视频添加模拟噪点等,将数字视频模拟转换成胶片拍摄的视频。

Ever since the introduction of Digital Cameras digital evangelists have been saying how Film would eventually be superceeded and replaced.

After several decades this is finally happening.

However for many people the look of the digital footage still leaves a lot to be desired and doesnt look as good straight out of the camera.


数字转胶片插件 FilmConvert Pro 2.11 for AE & Premiere – Win64的图片1

发布日期: 2014-03-05