CG数据库 >> 电影效果质感图片PS调色教程 SkillShare - Film Production in Photoshop

电影效果质感图片PS调色教程 SkillShare – Film Production in Photoshop用最简单的方法将图片照片PS成电影海报质感风格,适用于新手和进阶学习This class is designed for everyone who loves to create stories and capture their favourite moments through videos and films, through a fun and simple workflow using Photoshop! The class is also useful for entrepreneurs and craftsmen who want to showcase their brands and services through videos and films, sharing through social media platforms like Instagram, Youtube and Facebook to captivate their audience.

电影效果质感图片PS调色教程 SkillShare - Film Production in Photoshop的图片1

发布日期: 2016-04-26