CG数据库 >> 树木燃烧火焰流体模拟Maya教程 Pluralsight – Simulating a Burning Tree in Maya

树木燃烧火焰流体模拟Maya教程 Pluralsight – Simulating a Burning Tree in Maya用到Maya 2014 和After Effects CS6,在Maya中模拟流体和火焰粒子效果,限制火焰燃烧的范围,烟雾的模拟等,后期在AE中合成This course, Simulating a Burning Tree in Maya is a perfect course to to learn the art of simulating realistic fire and embers using Autodesk Maya fluids and particle systems.

First, you will discover the basic steps needed to block out fire and smoke fluid containers along with blocking of particle system to simulate embers.

Next, you will learn skills to improve the simulations of fire, smoke, and embers while exploring the various attributes of fluid solvers in order to improve the fire quality and physics of embers.

Finally, you will render fire and embers while going along with various utilities and attributes required to create a stunning rendered image.

When you are done with this course, you will not have only understood the simulations of burning tree, but have also added many tools and techniques to improvise your existing knowledge as well as abilities to tackle other challenges of effect animations using Autodesk Maya.

树木燃烧火焰流体模拟Maya教程 Pluralsight – Simulating a Burning Tree in Maya的图片1

发布日期: 2016-05-28