CG数据库 >> C4D Octane渲染器介绍基础教程 Cineversity - Getting Started with Octane

C4D Octane渲染器介绍基础教程 Cineversity – Getting Started with Octane讲解C4D的Octane渲染器的主要功能,例如实时预览等Exploring the key features of Octane’s Live Viewer will help give a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of using this render engine. We will be learning how the rendered enginecommunicates with Cinema 4D and how to choose the correct render settings for your project.



C4D Octane渲染器介绍基础教程 Cineversity - Getting Started with Octane的图片1

发布日期: 2016-07-09