CG数据库 >> 绚丽色彩卡通倒计时C4D教程 Cinema 4D – Creating a Colorful Animated Countdown Tutorial

绚丽色彩卡通倒计时C4D教程 Cinema 4D – Creating a Colorful Animated Countdown Tutorial利用C4D的运动图形效果器来制作炫彩卡通的倒计时效果,主要包括AI制作数字,挤出命令,随机,克隆效果器等制作图形效果,XPresso来控制动画等In this tutorial, EJ Hassenfratz covers the process of creating a fun, colorful animated countdown inside of Cinema 4D using the MoGraph module.

教程知识点:Using Illustrator to create our numbersUsing Extrude Objects to create 3D geometry in Cinema 4DAnimating objects using Random EffectorsUsing the Variation Shader to texture MoGraph ClonesHow to blur soft shadows for nice shadingA handy use of Set Driver/Set Driven XPressoLearn how to manually keyframe a decaying bounce

绚丽色彩卡通倒计时C4D教程 Cinema 4D – Creating a Colorful Animated Countdown Tutorial的图片1

发布日期: 2016-08-25