CG数据库 >> 高级创意MG动画小元素AE教程(西班牙语) Domestika - Animation & Motion Graphics In After Effects

高级创意MG动画小元素AE教程(西班牙语) Domestika – Animation & Motion Graphics In After Effects讲解AE常见的高级MG动画元素制作方法,包含工程文件,对于新手提供有一定帮助This course serves to improve techniques and concepts to all those involved in the audiovisual media and / or animation , or just to get your feet wet start to not have much experience in this moving things.

For general concepts do not need any experience in software, but technical practices within After Effects require at least a basic knowledge of the program.

高级创意MG动画小元素AE教程(西班牙语) Domestika - Animation & Motion Graphics In After Effects的图片1

发布日期: 2016-09-16