CG数据库 >> AE/PS制作多重曝光特效教程 Pluralsight – Using Photoshop and After Effects to Create Cinemagraphs

AE/PS制作多重曝光特效教程 Pluralsight – Using Photoshop and After Effects to Create Cinemagraphs利用AE和PS配合制作电影级别多重曝光效果,PS中对图层元素进行抠像处理,AE中对视频素材进行稳定合成等In this course, Using Photoshop and After Effects to Create Cinemagraphs, you will learn how to craft your own magically-moving, photographic wonders.

First, you will learn what makes for a successful cinemagraph and how to isolate simple movement in Photoshop.

Next, you will learn how to use After Effects to stabilize and loop handheld video in support of a cinemagraph.

Finally, you will learn how to craft a beautiful fantasy style cinemagraph using stock images and video.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll not only be able to create stunning cinemagraphs, but may also be inspired to create new ways of showing your own artistic visions.

AE/PS制作多重曝光特效教程 Pluralsight – Using Photoshop and After Effects to Create Cinemagraphs的图片1

发布日期: 2016-09-25