CG数据库 >> C4D商业产品级别渲染教程 Pluralsight - High-resolution Product Rendering in CINEMA 4D

C4D商业产品级别渲染教程 Pluralsight – High-resolution Product Rendering in CINEMA 4D在C4D R16中渲染高分辨率商业产品级别静帧,首先链接渲染流程,然后讲解一些渲染技巧,摄像机设置,例如景深,运动模糊等,最后在PS中进行后期合成调色等In this course, High-resolution Product Rendering in CINEMA 4D, you’ll learn how to create a high-resolution product rendering that will not only present the viewer with an idea of how the product looks, but will also spark some attention due to its composition.

First, you’ll learn how to adapt a workflow to suit high-resolution rendering.

Next, you’ll learn some tricks on how to render render-regions, and camera settings for effects like depth-of-field and motion blur.

Finally, you’ll learn about post-production techniques like color-correction and similar tasks.

By the end of the course, you’ll have all the tools you need to undertake and excel on a product visualization project of your own in CINEMA 4D.

C4D商业产品级别渲染教程 Pluralsight - High-resolution Product Rendering in CINEMA 4D的图片1

发布日期: 2016-09-30