CG数据库 >> 恶龙绑定飞翔着陆动画Maya教程 Mackley Studios - Autodesk Maya Mythical Creature Animation

恶龙绑定飞翔着陆动画Maya教程 Mackley Studios – Autodesk Maya Mythical Creature Animation在Maya中给西方恶龙做绑定,然后模拟翅膀挥动,飞翔着陆等动画So we’re going to look at the dragon, and look at it with a combination of quadruped animation and winged characters.

So we’ll start with the basic structure of the wing and how it operates.

We’ll do some real basic studies by making ourselves a simple geometric object and look at the structure of the wing, animate, set key-frames, and set pose-to-pose animation.

We’ll look at references, like large birds – a crane as an example – we’ll slow down the flight to make the size even larger and make it seem like a larger character.

We’ll continue to look at those references and go back to the creature and use that to guide us in the discovery of the dragon’s animation.

恶龙绑定飞翔着陆动画Maya教程 Mackley Studios - Autodesk Maya Mythical Creature Animation的图片1

发布日期: 2017-02-28