CG数据库 >> 物体飞机坠落破碎Houdini教程 CGCircuit -Applied Houdini – Rigids III

物体飞机坠落破碎Houdini教程 CGCircuit -Applied Houdini – Rigids IIIHoudini破碎讲解的第三部分教程中,以飞机坠落在地上破碎效果为案例,介绍约束作用,不同物理材质效果等In Rigids III we will tackle the complex task of destroying a vehicle! Included with the lesson is a high resolution helicopter that we will smash into the ground.

We talk extensively about the mysterious “hard” and “cone twist” constraints, as well as strategies to combine them with the “glue” constraint in order to achieve the looks of different physical materials under stress.

Perhaps most importantly, an efficient workflow is described in order to keep this complexity manageable as well as art directable.

As a bonus, we will also render our final work in Mantra as well as export to the Alembic file format in order to read into other packages if we desire.

物体飞机坠落破碎Houdini教程 CGCircuit -Applied Houdini – Rigids III的图片1

发布日期: 2017-03-18