CG数据库 >> 海洋特效教程 Pluralsight - Houdini Intermediate Ocean FX

海洋特效教程 Pluralsight – Houdini Intermediate Ocean FX在Houdini 16中模拟海面波浪特效,船只的添加,随着波浪起伏动画的模拟,浪花的制作等In this course, Houdini: Intermediate Ocean FX, you’ll learn how to setup a procedural ocean and do a flip fluid simulation for the boat.

First, you’ll discover how to use the ocean spectrum to create an infinite ocean.

Next, you’ll add the boat, do a flip simulation for a specific area with high detail, and add whitewater and mist.

Finally, you’ll extend the simulated area and setup the shaders to render all the layers.

When you’re finished with this Houdini 16 course, you’ll not only have an ocean rendered with a high detail fluid simulation, but you’ll also have a workflow on how to master your own ocean and fluid challenges in the future.

海洋特效教程 Pluralsight - Houdini Intermediate Ocean FX的图片1

发布日期: 2017-05-10