CG数据库 >> Motion卡通火焰 AETUTS How to Build an Animated Cartoon Fire

Motion卡通火焰 AETUTS How to Build an Animated Cartoon FireAE制作动态卡通火苗效果,教程中不用第三方插件,仅用mask和Wave Warp等内置插件做出如图效果,下载包含视频教程和工程文件。

In this video tutorial, we will learn how to create our own stylized “cartoon” animated flames using only the tools in After Effects CC. There are several ways to create animated fire using third-party tools. However, we’ll use animated masks and effects, such as Wave Warp, to create our own flames without having to purchase extra plug-ins. Toasty!


Motion卡通火焰 AETUTS How to Build an Animated Cartoon Fire的图片1

发布日期: 2014-04-20