CG数据库 >> AE制作新闻人名字幕条 Digital Tutors – Creating News Channel Lower Thirds in After Effects

AE制作新闻人名字幕条 Digital Tutors – Creating News Channel Lower Thirds in After Effects在制作栏目包装的过程中,我们需要考虑到安全框等问题,从颜色到运动到元素等都是我们需要考虑的问题。



We will start by discussing requirements for animations that will be broadcast on television like keeping your elements action and title safe.

We’ll get familiar with incorporating a station ID and brand colors into our animation.

We’ll plan out how we want our lower third to show up and operate by blocking out shapes, then we’ll give our pieces depth and movement so they’re not static and boring.

Next, we’ll get into animating our pieces so they appear over our footage in a very dynamic way.

We’ll then decide how long we want our graphics to stay on screen and animate their departure.

Finally, we’ll prepare our project to be used as a template for easy text and footage changes for the next person down the pipeline.

When you finish this training, you’ll have a better understanding of creating lower-thirds for local or national broadcast.


AE制作新闻人名字幕条 Digital Tutors – Creating News Channel Lower Thirds in After Effects的图片1

发布日期: 2014-05-05