CG数据库 >> C4D制作液体Logo Summit 44 – Meta Mush Logo

C4D制作液体Logo Summit 44 – Meta Mush Logo作者Mt. Mograph的第44期教程,在C4D中模拟流体Logo,主要是Mograph板块,用到Formula,Inheritance和Plain等效果器。

Today we go deeper into the Mograph Module getting into the Formula Effector, Inheritance Effector and Plain Effector.On top of that we’re generating a really awesome liquid material and object.Use this to create interesting logo builds or really anything you might want to look like liquid …PS:Mt. Mograph的Summit系列教程请右上角搜索下载

C4D制作液体Logo Summit 44 – Meta Mush Logo的图片1

发布日期: 2014-05-23