CG数据库 >> 三维手绘笔刷生长动画C4D教程 Cinema 4D - Hyper-Realistic 3D Acrylic Paint Stroke Tutorial

三维手绘笔刷生长动画C4D教程 Cinema 4D – Hyper-Realistic 3D Acrylic Paint Stroke Tutorial在C4D中制作混合笔刷效果三维路径生长动画,模拟真实笔触效果In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to mix 3D style of lettering with the right textures to create a hyper-realistic 3D acrylic paint stroke in Cinema 4D.

三维手绘笔刷生长动画C4D教程 Cinema 4D - Hyper-Realistic 3D Acrylic Paint Stroke Tutorial的图片1

发布日期: 2017-08-12