CG数据库 >> AE向导元素介绍 Digital Tutors – Unlocking the Power of Guide Elements in After Effects

AE向导元素介绍 Digital Tutors – Unlocking the Power of Guide Elements in After Effects主要是介绍grids,guide Layer,安全框之类的知识,很基础的教程,半个小时,包含工程文件。

In this series of tutorials, we’ll talk about the various traditional and nontraditional guide elements for After Effects.

We’ll start by creating a traditional guide and manipulating it in our composition.

We’ll talk about ways to get the most of these guides by changing their color and style and making our layers snap to them.

We’ll even learn how to create intricate guides in Photoshop and pull them into After EffectsNext we’ll talk about the various grids in After Effects.

We’ll learn how to make them more suitable for our needs like dividing up our composition and also change their color, style and frequency.

Then, we’ll learn the purpose of Title and Action Safe guides and when we should use themWe’ll also explore how to use guide layers to help organize our compositions.

And finally, we’ll create complex vector paths and use them as a guide for motionBy the end of this training, you will not only know about each of the guide elements but you will know how to use them effectively.


AE向导元素介绍 Digital Tutors – Unlocking the Power of Guide Elements in After Effects的图片1

发布日期: 2014-06-04