CG数据库 >> C4D钢铁材质哑铃OC渲染教程 Cinema 4D Tutorial - Worn Edges in Octane Render

C4D钢铁材质哑铃OC渲染教程 Cinema 4D Tutorial – Worn Edges in Octane Render利用Octane渲染器的污迹节点来渲染模拟钢铁材质效果In this tutorial, Arthur Whitehead will teach you how to use the dirt node as a mask to direct bump maps on the edges of an object in Cinema 4D.


C4D钢铁材质哑铃OC渲染教程 Cinema 4D Tutorial - Worn Edges in Octane Render的图片1

发布日期: 2018-01-31