CG数据库 >> 泰森分裂模型切割C4D教程 Creative Ways to Use Voronoi Fracture In Cinema 4D

泰森分裂模型切割C4D教程 Creative Ways to Use Voronoi Fracture In Cinema 4D讲解多种方法利用泰森分裂来制作创意十足的模型切片动画效果,包括效果器的衰减控制,着色器、灯光材质的讲解等In this tutorial, EJ Hassenfratz will show you some creative ways to utilize the Voronoi Fracture to create complex looking abstract artwork in Cinema 4D.

教程知识点:Voronoi Fracture basicsControlling multiple effector falloffs using a single falloffUsing Normal Direction ShaderLighting and Texturing to finish it up

泰森分裂模型切割C4D教程 Creative Ways to Use Voronoi Fracture In Cinema 4D的图片1

发布日期: 2018-07-05