CG数据库 >> C4D/Rhino/Sketchup室内建筑渲染器插件破解版 Thea Render v2.0 Win64

C4D/Rhino/Sketchup室内建筑渲染器插件破解版 Thea Render v2.0 Win64Thea渲染器是一款十分适合做室内表现建筑渲染的插件,可以快速得到真实照片级别的渲染效果Thea Render is a physically-based global illumination renderer of high quality.

It is a unique renderer that is able to render using state-of-the-art techniques in Biased photorealistic, Unbiased and GPU modes.

In Thea Render, we have created a compact number of highly realistic materials using the most accurate physically based models.

These models are designed to produce highly energy conservative material combinations.


C4D/Rhino/Sketchup室内建筑渲染器插件破解版 Thea Render v2.0 Win64的图片1

发布日期: 2018-10-11