CG数据库 >> 电影视频跟踪抠像软件 Flowbox 1.7 Win破解版

电影视频跟踪抠像软件 Flowbox 1.7 Win破解版Flowbox是在电影特效制作中的一个roto抠像跟踪软件,可以解决很复杂的镜头跟踪反求问题,甚至于:有机物体、柔体、布料、毛发都可以跟踪Flowbox is a brand new Visual Effects software platform and Rotoscoping is our first tool.

Our unique rotoDRAW, rotoSNAP and intelligent Ripple edit will speed up the most complex and difficult roto shots.

Flowbox will help you quickly tackle the most challenging and time consuming shapes: organic, soft objects, clothes and hair.

安装步骤:安装Flowbox-windows-installer-在hosts文件加上127.0.0.1 activate.flowbox.io拷贝flowbox17-tpc-patchfixed.exe到安装目录下的Flowbox文件夹里面,运行一下(密码为:tpcrew-group)拷贝生成的release_9999x.lic 和 release_9999x.act到C:\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Local\flowbox

电影视频跟踪抠像软件 Flowbox 1.7 Win破解版的图片1

发布日期: 2018-10-22