CG数据库 >> 卡通人物走路动画AE教程 Skillshare - Character Animation Part 2: Animating a Run Cycle

卡通人物走路动画AE教程 Skillshare – Character Animation Part 2: Animating a Run Cycle卡通人物角色动画AE教程的第二部分,制作人物走路循环动画,不需要任何第三方插件Welcome to part two of the character animation series. In this class, we will be creating a run cycle from beginning to end using the character we created in part one.If you didn’t take part 1 but still want to follow along I have included the character rig in the class project downloads. Have fun and I’ll see you in class!

卡通人物走路动画AE教程 Skillshare - Character Animation Part 2: Animating a Run Cycle的图片1

发布日期: 2018-10-29