CG数据库 >> 音乐电影EPK幕后第三季-调色特效流程 Lynda – EPK Editing Workflows 03: Color Correction, Visual Effects, and Finishing

音乐电影EPK幕后第三季-Premiere/SpeedGrade/AE调色剪辑流程 Lynda – EPK Editing Workflows 03: Color Correction, Visual Effects, and FinishingElectronic press kits (EPKs) have a distinct look, which comes from the composition but also the color of the shots.

In this installment of EPK Editing Workflows, you’ll learn how to assess your visuals, control contrast, match shots, and choose a look for your finished edit.

Author Maxim Jago shows how to compare in-camera footage with behind-the-scenes material, and make creative choices about blending them together.

He also shares some beautiful special effects for adding flair to visuals.

The final chapters show you how to put it all together, and make your Adobe CC workflow even more efficient, with presets.

课程知识点:Assessing your video footageRepairing and color correcting mediaWarming and cooling clipsShot matchingWorkflows with Adobe Premiere Pro, SpeedGrade, and After EffectsCombining creative visual effects


音乐电影EPK幕后第三季-调色特效流程 Lynda – EPK Editing Workflows 03: Color Correction, Visual Effects, and Finishing的图片1

发布日期: 2014-09-25