CG数据库 >> 音乐电影EPK幕后第二季 – 创意剪辑和微调 Lynda – EPK Editing Workflows 02: Creative Editing and Fine-Tuning

音乐电影EPK幕后第二季 – 创意剪辑和微调 Lynda – EPK Editing Workflows 02: Creative Editing and Fine-Tuning想得到很丰富精彩的镜头,我们在粗剪的基础上,需要微调镜头,我们将学习单独镜头的剪辑技巧It can be difficult to achieve a rich look and feel for electronic press kits, or EPKs, given the fast turnaround they usually demand.

But using the creative editing and fine-tuning techniques shown in this course, you can achieve “picture lock” at an early stage in the process.

In the previous installment of EPK Editing Workflows, Maxim Jago showed you how to ingest media and build a basic assembly edit from your favorite shots.

Here you’ll take that rough cut and fine-tune it using a number of industry-standard trimming techniques that work in just about every nonlinear editing system.

You’ll learn how to take your edited sequence from an assembly to a precise cut, with temporary effects and transitions that will help you nail down the final visual look of your video.

课程知识点:Establishing the starting pointStripping out content from the assembly cutEditing quickly with keyboard shortcutsAdvanced trimming techniquesTrimming with the JKL techniqueAdding placeholder transitions and effectsAchieving picture lock


音乐电影EPK幕后第二季 – 创意剪辑和微调 Lynda – EPK Editing Workflows 02: Creative Editing and Fine-Tuning的图片1

发布日期: 2014-09-25