CG数据库 >> 《普罗米修斯电影艺术原画设定》Prometheus The Art of the Film French

本书籍是关于普罗米修斯电影艺术原画设定,大小:49.07 MB,格式:PDF高清,共191页,语言:法语。


Prometheus The Art of the Film French

Here’s the official Prometheus film artbook. It’s in French, and a few pages might be missing or be in the wrong order.

《普罗米修斯电影艺术原画设定》Prometheus The Art of the Film French的图片1
《普罗米修斯电影艺术原画设定》Prometheus The Art of the Film French的图片3
《普罗米修斯电影艺术原画设定》Prometheus The Art of the Film French的图片4

发布日期: 2012-8-30