CG数据库 >> 《卢卡斯电影星战声效库合辑》Sound Ideas Lucasfilm Sound Effects Library

本声效库是由SoundIdeas机构出品的卢卡斯电影声效库合辑,Sound Ideas Lucasfilm Sound Effects Library,大小:2.18 GB,格式:WAV,共6CD,443个声效。CG数据库整理。

好莱坞<星战>系列电影就是由Lucasfilm公司发行,LUCASFILM世界上最伟大的声音设计的革新者! 由LUCASFILM和SOUND IDEAS公司合作,使你能拥有440种获奥斯卡奖电影音效。

Sound Ideas Lucasfilm Sound Effects Library

443 Royalty Free Hollywood Sound Effects on 6 Audio CDs.

Lucasfilm SFX Library is a co-production brought to you by Lucasfilm and Sound Ideas. This royalty free sound effects library provides 443 Hollywood sound effects on 6 Audio CDs. Three of the CDs were uniquely produced by Lucasfilm and cover Animals Sounds, The Elements and Sounds of Industry – providing you with Academy Award winning sound effects originally used in many of Lucasfilm's major motion pictures. Three of the CDs were uniquely produced by Sound Ideas and provide expensive, high-level Transportation in the form of a Porsche 911, a Corvette, a Private Jet, a Helicopter and an Aircraft Carrier. A blockbuster motion picture sound effects collection – the Lucasfilm SFX Library.


443 royalty free sound effects

Available on 6 Audio CDs

Stereo sounds

Co-production of Lucasfilm and Sound Ideas

Hollywood Sound Effects

Academy Award Winning Sounds

Animal Sounds

The Elements

Sounds of Industry

High-Level Transportation Sounds

《卢卡斯电影星战声效库合辑》Sound Ideas Lucasfilm Sound Effects Library的图片1
《卢卡斯电影星战声效库合辑》Sound Ideas Lucasfilm Sound Effects Library的图片2

发布日期: 2013-4-5