CG数据库 >> Character Creator逼真角色模型制作软件V2.3.2420.1版

本软件是由reallusion机构出品的Character Creator逼真角色模型制作软件V2.3.2420.1版,大小:580 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

iClone Character Creator是iClone 6和iClone 7 的强大附加工具(兄弟下载站提供),可帮助您创建动画准备和逼真的3D人体模型。使用iClone Character Creator,您可以创建3D角色设计,导入任何3D服装设计,并通过广泛的定制工具生成人形字符和动画。角色创建者iClone是一个惊人的工具,创建一个3D角色,预先安装动画,解剖学正确,并可以通过变形设置进行精细调整,甚至可以使用化妆等自定义外观。此外,您可以创建具有更复杂细节,外观,皮肤,衣服,头发,拖放预设/样式等的配件的人物。


Character Creator (CC) is an amazing add-on tool for iClone that can create realistic looking, animation-ready 3D human characters for use with iClone and other 3D tools. Unique character designs are created through the use of shape morphs, customizable high-resolution skin textures, and outfits with clothing containing your own fabric designs.

What do you need when generating characters – Appearance, Skin, Clothes, Hair, Accessories? Well, they all can now be found in this amazing tool with drag-and-drop presets, in well-organized categories for you to generate various character styles in no time at all. Moreover, you can manually do further modifications with the use of sliders to create characters with more sophisticated details. The intuitive dockable UI design brings you the most flexible editing environment.


Character Creator逼真角色模型制作软件V2.3.2420.1版的图片1

发布日期: 2017-12-26