CG数据库 >> Smartdeblur

Smartdeblur 2.2



抖动相机拍摄的图像,人为模糊的图片,错误的自动对焦 - 所有这些造成照片上的物体变得模糊不清。 但是,SmartDeblur 可以一下子恢复模糊和散焦图像的细节。

由Blind Deconvolution算法提供,该程序能非常有效地工作,不需要任何具体的技能。

Fix Blurry and Defocused photos with SmartDeblur

Not all photos are ideal. Images taken with a shaking camera, artificially blurred pictures, wrong autofocus - all of these cause objects on a photo become indistinct and fuzzy. But when you start thinking everything is lost, SmartDeblur saves the day restoring details of blurred and defocused images in one go.

Powered by Blind Deconvolution algorithm, the program works extremely efficiently and doesn't require any specific skills.


发布日期: 2017-4-24