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Exocortex - Fury v2.31 For Maya.Softimage

Exocortex Fury 2.4.0 MAYA Softimage iND

Exocortex Fury v2.45 Maya - Win64

Exocortex_Fury v2.47 Win64 for maya2012 - 2015

Exocortex Fury 2 is a production proven particle renderer for Autodesk Maya and Autodesk Softimage for Windows (with Linux and Mac OSX support coming soon.)

Exocortex Fury 2是一个粒子渲染器用于于Autodesk Maya和 Autodesk Softimage。(暂时只支持Windows系统,Linux and Mac OSX系统的将在后面的版本支持)

Fury 2 leverages the full power of modern GPUs to deliver exceptional render times without reducing your flexibility nor sacrificing your render quality.

Fury 2利用强大的现代gpu提供超强的渲染,不牺牲你的灵活性也不牺牲你的渲染质量。

Exocortex - Fury的图片1

发布日期: 2014-7-23