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Phasing and Design Options in Revit的图片1

Phasing in Autodesk


allows you to show the complete life cycle of a project, such as a before and after or existing and proposed status, while design options allow you to save multiple iterations of a concept in a single project file. In this course, Paul F. Aubin shows how to use phasing and design options to organize multipart, multifaceted projects in Revit. The course also covers adding and assigning phases to views, scheduling phases and designating future work, working with design option sets, and presenting complex designs to clients.

Introduction 2m 34s

Welcome 52s

Using the exercise files 22s

What you need to know about this course 17s

Overview 1m 3s

1. Phasing 58m 29s

Understanding phasing 4m 0s

Assigning phasing properties to objects 4m 21s

Adding a new phase 5m 11s

Assigning phasing properties to views 6m 0s

Utilizing phase filters and graphic overrides 7m 32s

Managing phases 4m 16s

Assigning phasing to rooms 5m 38s

Applying phasing to schedules 3m 50s

Phasing levels and grids 6m 30s

Managing compound-element phasing 5m 17s

Looking at topography and phasing 5m 54s

2. Design Options 39m 20s

Understanding design options 3m 0s

Setting up option sets and options 5m 56s

Looking at primary options 6m 36s

Managing design options 6m 38s

Working with design option view settings 6m 29s

Presenting design options 4m 32s

Strategizing design options 6m 9s

3. Phasing and Design Options Together 13m 19s

Working with phasing and design options together 6m 28s

Designating future work 6m 51s

Conclusion 36s

Next steps 36s

在 Autodesk


逐步允许您显示完整生命周期的项目,如一个之前和之后或现有和提议地位,虽然设计选项允许您在一个单一的项目文件中保存多个迭代的概念。在此过程中,Paul F.奥宾演示如何使用逐步和设计选项组织在


多成分、 多方面的项目。课程还包括添加和分配意见阶段、 调度阶段和指定今后的工作,工作与设计选项集,并向客户端呈现复杂的设计

介绍 2 m 34s

欢迎 52s


你需要了解这门课 17s

1 m 3s 概述

1.逐步 58 米 29

理解逐步 4 m 0

将分阶段属性分配给对象 4 米 21

添加一个新的阶段 5 m 11s

将分阶段属性分配给意见 6 m 0

利用相位滤波器和图形将覆盖 7 m 32s

管理阶段 4 m 16s

分配到房间 5 米 38s 逐步

应用逐步附表 3 米 50

分阶段施工水平和网格 6 万 30 多岁

管理复合元素逐步 5 m 17s

看着地形和逐步 5 分 54 秒

2.设计选项 39 米 20

理解设计选项 3 m 0

设置选项设置和选项 5 m 56s

看着主要选项 6 m 36s

管理设计选项 6 米 38s

使用设计选项视图设置 6 米 29

展示设计选项 4 m 32s

战略设计选项 6 m 9s

3.逐步和设计选项一起 13 m 19s

使用分阶段以及设计选项一起 6 m 28s

指定未来工作 6 米 51

结论 36s

下一步 36s

Phasing and Design Options in Revit的图片2