CG数据库 >> Photo Jolts! Learn and Teach with Photographs

Photo Jolts! Learn and Teach with Photographs的图片1

Photo Jolts! Learn and Teach with Photographs

MP4 | AVC 3829kbps | English | 1280x720 | 29.97fps | 2 hours | AAC stereo 64kbps | 1.47 GB

Genre: Video Training

Glenn Hughes demonstrates how to increase clarity, creativity, and conversation with photo-based activities. In this course, award-winning author, trainer, facilitator, and photographer Glenn Hughes shows you how to increase clarity, creativity, and conversation - for individuals and teams - through the use of photo-based activities.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

- Define a Photo Jolt.

- Define six reasons to use a Photo Jolt.

- Choose appropriate images for a Photo Jolt activity.

- Identify the factors that determine an effective Photo Jolt activity.

- Reflect on the past and current status of a situation, and define a desired future, using the A Christmas Carol activity.

- Test and develop emotional intelligence and emotional vocabulary, using the Emotional Rescue activity.

- Generate innovative ideas and understand various perspectives, using the User Experience activity.

- Test and improve creativity by establishing relationships, using the Black Sheep activity.

- Test and improve observation and memory skills, using the Visual Memory activity.

- Discover the power of perspective and alternate viewpoints, using the Optimist/Pessimist activity.

- Develop creativity, storytelling, and improvisational skills, using the And Then... activity.

What am I going to get from this course?

Over 26 lectures and 2 hours of content!

Eight easy-to-run activities that increase clarity, creativity, and conversation

A quiz to check your understanding of key concepts

Direct response to your questions from author Glenn Hughes


MP4 |AVC 3829 kbps |英语 |1280 x 720 |29.97 帧 / 秒 |2 小时 |AAC 立体声 64 kbps|1.47 GB

体裁: 视频培训

格伦 · 休斯演示如何提高清晰度、 创造力和谈话与基于照片的活动。在此过程中,获奖作者、 教练、 主持人和摄影师格伦 · 休斯显示你如何提高清晰度、 创造力和谈话-为个人和团队-使用基于照片的活动。














超过 26 讲座和 2 小时的内容!

八增加清晰度、 创造力和谈话的简单运行活动


直接回答你的问题从作者格伦 · 休斯