CG数据库 >> Compositing with Multi-channel OpenEXR Files in After Effects

Compositing with Multi-channel OpenEXR Files in After Effects的图片1

Duration 28m Project Files Included MP4

Compositing with Multi-channel OpenEXR Files in After Effects


In this After Effects tutorial, we’ll learn how to take advantage of ILM’s OpenEXR file format. Software required: After Effects CC.

A common format in visual effects and animation, OpenEXR files are able to contain an unlimited number of channel layers. So a common workflow is to put all the different CG lighting passes into one EXR sequence. We’re going to take an OpenEXR file of an alien creature and set up all different render passes hidden inside as separate layers. Then we’ll use those layers to do a multi-pass CG composite with complete control over the look of the alien as we integrate him into his alien planet background. We’ll go on to add and adjust the ground shadow, learn how to make an edge blur from scratch, and perform a final color grade that will make the image really pop. By the end of this After Effects training, you’ll have created a feature-film-quality, multi-pass CG composite using the power of OpenEXR files. Software required: After Effects CC.

持续时间 28 m 项目文件包括的 MP4

合成多通道 OpenEXR 文件中之后的效果


在这个后效果教程中,我们将学习如何利用 ILM 的 OpenEXR 文件格式。所需软件: 后影响CC。

在视觉效果和动画的通用格式,OpenEXR 文件能够包含无限的数量的通道层。所以通用工作流是投入一个 EXR 序列的所有不同的 CG 照明通行证。我们要像外星生物 OpenEXR 文件和所有不同的渲染设置通过隐藏在作为单独的图层。然后我们会使用这些图层做多道 CG 复合材料与外星人的外观完全控制,当我们将他纳入他的外星球背景。我们去添加和调整地面阴影,了解如何使边缘模糊从无到有,并执行将使图像的最终颜色等级真的很流行。这种影响后培训结束时,你已经创建了功能膜质量,多通的 CG 复合使用 OpenEXR 文件的权力。所需软件: 后影响 CC。