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CGCookie – Color Course Understanding Color

Title: CGCookie – Color Course Understanding Color


This first half of the color course focuses on understanding color from the terms associated with color, how lights project color, choosing color schemes, and much more. We go into different discussions like why Red and Cyan are considered true complimentary colors instead of red and green.

We begin first breaking down what is Color? Why is there confusion when figuring out what is considered Red? As we continue throughout this course we will constantly refer back to the three terms that better explain what color is.

From there we dive into working digitally and the differences that brings when working with color projected with light rather than pigments. Once you begin understanding working in RGB (Red, Green, Blue) then it becomes easier understanding how colors mix in this digital format.

Working with color, we need to understand the color wheels associated with art and the difference between the traditional and modern color wheels. We will then show you how to choose these colors accurately from within Photoshop.

Then we take the time to look at the terms associated with color such as tint, tone, shade, monochromatic, greyscale, analogous, complimentary, and warm/cool. There are a lot of color terms but they are quite simple once you know the meaning of each.

The last section in our understanding color course looks at creating basic color schemes and we have a guest appearance from one of our favorite color artists, Mel Herring giving her insights on working with color as well!

CGCookie — — 课程理解颜色

标题: CGCookie — — 课程理解颜色




从那里我们潜入数字工作和带来工作时与颜色的差异投射的光,而不是颜料。一旦你开始理解工作在 RGB (红、 绿、 蓝),然后它变得更容易理解如何颜色混合在这个数字的格式。

使用的颜色,我们需要了解颜色轮子与艺术和传统与现代的颜色轮子之间的区别。然后,我们会告诉您如何选择这些颜色准确地从在 Photoshop 中。

然后我们好好地看看颜色色调、 色调、 阴影,单色,与相关的术语灰度,类似,免费的和暖。有大量的颜色词,但他们都很简单,一旦你知道每个的意义。
