CG数据库 >> CAXA 3D 2015 R1

CAXA 3D 2015 R1的图片1

CAXA实体设计是一套 既支持全参数化的工程建模方式,又具备独特的创新模式,并且无缝集成了专业二维工程图模块的 功能全面的CAD软件。 集成 ACIS和Parasolid双内核,与其它三维CAD协作交流无障碍;随心所欲的产品设计能力,符合主流习惯的专业二维工程图。打造完美数字样机。

CAXA 3D 2015 R1 | 2.6 Gb

CAXA, a the market leader and largest Chinese provider of CAD/CAM/PLM solutions, has released update (R1) of CAXA 3D 2015, its integrated environment from 2D/3D conceptual and detailed design.

CAXA is the market leader of industrial software and service in China, as well as a pioneer of China Industrial Cloud service, which mainly supplies with 2D & 3D design software (CAD),MES,product lifecycle management solution(PLM), and industrial cloud service platform.

CAXA 3D 2015 R1的图片2

About CAXA

CAXA currently holds the largest market share in China's CAD/CAM software and service market and has been chosen as a Chinese "Ten Best Local-Made Software" company for the past 4 years. The company focuses on developing and implementing professional CAD/CAM software for small-to-mid-size companies and personal users. Its emphasis on ease-of-use has resulted in broad acceptance and market dominance for its CAD software. In addition, CAXA is a major CAM software vendor in the Chinese NC control market.

Name: CAXA 3D

Version: 2015 R1 (version

Interface: English, simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese

OS: Windows 7even / 8

Size: 2.6 Gb